Moti Thank you so much for your email!  What a surprise!  You must have a mental telepathy because this morning at the gym I was thinking that I must write to you personally and thank you and I have to do it today! You know how grateful we all are for your wonderful job!  I truly cannot tell you how amazing you have made our vacation!  Your country is so unique and fascinating but your excellent guiding brought the whole experience to another level.  I truly appreciate everything you have taught us about Israel present and past.  You have worked so hard each day from early morning to the evening hours driving us, explaining, teaching, turning on the AC, helping us in and out of the car, being patient and understanding (not to mention the cherries!).  Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you and everything you taught us. That Israel trip changed me.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You were so right about so many things concerning Americans:  we do live in our superficial bubbles and project our views, have unreasonable expectations.  I appreciated your honesty because you are correct 100%  That is why it was so good to see something totally different and try to see the world from different perspective.  Travel offers in-measurable insight into life and into oneself as well. I am amazed of how much you know  not only about your own country but also about the world and people.  I am grateful that you shared some of your  knowledge with us. I am grateful for your sense of humor and energy as well! We truly enjoyed meeting your lovely wife and daughter, that dinner was amazing!  Thank you! I will always remember the church in Cana-one of my favorite places, and how you explained the miracle in Cana.  Of course, everyone knows the story, but I have never heard it explained the way you did .That made perfect sense.  It had to explained by a Jewish person who knows his people and the culture.  What you said about the Jewish mother and understanding the relationship between the Jewish mother and her children made the story so clear and special.  I remember having tears in my eyes when you said it and i have them now, it was beautiful.  I tell my friends (only the special ones) about how you explained the story.  It was so perfect. I truly appreciated the respect you had for our religion as well as the in- depth knowledge. As far as the experience of the Dead Sea, we loved the experience very much lookung back to it. For the kids that was the best! They told their friends all about it and about the lowest McDonald’s as well. Thank for producing the camel, it was a great moment! A well trained animal smiling at the camera. Thank you for the hummus recipe!  It does not look to difficult.  I will try to make it as soon as I get the ingredients.  I will. If you in the States again, give us a call, we are only 2 hours from New York, it would be great to have dinner and visit. Thank you again and may God bless you and your family! Scott, John Scott and Maria  say hello and thank you as well!

Margaret Galle’